The Opening “Dinner” Bell

The Opening “Dinner” Bell

This is something that Jennifer and I have been discussing as a side project to help document and share our weekly meal prep. The meal prep was started in an effort to both take the guess work out of work week lunch decisions as well as assist in making smarter decisions on healthy food choices. Its easy to make poor choices when your tired of asking yourself these questions everyday.

What do I want for lunch today?

How much time do I have?

How much money do I feel like spending?

Jennifer was already a low carb eater and is very active in fitness in the community. She also enjoys social media and has some marketing experience. I love to cook and welcome the challenge to try and cook some great tasting meals that may help me become healthier in the process.

We figured this was a great way to combine our skills and a way for us spend time together creating something fun and beneficial to the community we live in.

As we ring the metaphoric dinner bell on this project we would like to thank you all for taking the time to joining our community! We hope that the community grows organically and that you can find some enjoyment and benefit in our experiences. We will be exploring the following items in our initial posts and hope this expands as we find new things to explore.

  • Low Carb Cooking and Recipe Testing
  • Sanity Meals; aka Weekend Cooking With Carb Breaks/Rewards
  • Local Restaurant Reviews
  • Travel Reviews
  • Local Events (Tourist Traps)

We would also welcome any suggestions or ideas that you would like us to try out. I am going to provide a suggestion box below, please feel free to make any requests. We will certainly try and work them in as we progress in this journey.