Spinach Omelet with Chorizo and Mexican Corn

Spinach Omelet with Chorizo and Mexican Corn

So this is a recipe that was a happy accident.  Jennifer calls it “Iron Chef’ing It”.  An omelet isn’t typically my go to meal but when you need to figure something out for dinner,  sometimes you take what the refrigerator will allow.  This happy accident was REALLY GOOD!

I’m writing this a bit from memory as all I have is a picture of the finished product.  It was good enough to write about and do plan to try this one again. If I do, I will update the post if I feel like I missed something here. 

This was a pretty large omelet by the time I was finished. I am going to post this for a single (Big) serving as I think some appetites may choose to split this one.

Let us start with ingredients. Keep in mind, I am recreating this from what we had in the fridge at the time. You could certainly mix this up for personal taste.

  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • Canadian bacon #1 – chopped (I think a pulled pork would be amazing here too)
  • Canadian bacon #2 – chopped and fried until slightly crisp.  I used these as garnish
  • Chorizo – removed from casing and fried up
  • Yellow onion – small diced and sautéed in some olive oil until translucent
  • Cotija cheese (shredded Mexican cheese)
  • Cilantro – chopped
  • Sour Cream
  • Corn – I used frozen,  roasted in oven
  • 1 package of frozen spinach – thawed and rung out to remove as much water as possible
  • Spicy chili lime seasoning (I’ll provide a link below)
  • 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

I would recommend with any omelet to prep all ingredients ahead of time.
The cooking process is pretty steady and you won’t have time to prep during.

First start by beating your eggs with the 2 tablespoons of milk.  I like to be aggressive here, really work the eggs so that they are well beaten.  Add a small handful of spinach and mix to incorporate. 

Corn – Roast in the oven until slightly charred, mix with the spicy chili lime seasoning and set aside for later.

Heat a small round skillet and add the tablespoon of butter.   Once the butter is melted be sure that you swirl it around the entire pan so that it is coated in butter; add the egg and spinach mixture.  The eggs should cover the entire bottom of the skillet.  While this is cooking I’ll cover this a bit so that the eggs can get cooked through.  You don’t want to have super runny eggs but don’t cook them to completion.

At the point that the eggs are still slightly loose on the top, apply to only HALF of the omelet, a pinch of salt and some pepper, sautéed onion, more spinach, chorizo, Canadian bacon #1, and some cotija cheese. Let this cook for a few minutes until you’re comfortable with the consistency of the eggs and the pan side of the omelet is slightly browned.

Now for the tricky part.  I used a rubber spatula and eased the edge of the egg off the pan that doesn’t have any ingredients on it.  The idea is to flip/fold this half of the omelet onto the other half of the omelet.  This takes some practice and don’t be discouraged if it falls apart.  It happens to me all the time; it won’t affect taste.

Once you achieve this, you can get your plate and slide the entire omelet from the pan into the center of the dish.  Top with sour cream, spiced corn mixture, crispy Canadian bacon #2, more cotija cheese and cilantro.

 I think that’s it, enjoy.   Link below to the spice for the corn mixture.  This is a pretty important flavor that you may be able to figure out yourselves but I use the mixture below; its super tasty.