Mediterranean Broccoli Salad

Mediterranean Broccoli Salad
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Broccoli, Broccoli, the magical cabbage.  The more you eat the more you . . .

I didn’t know it was in the cabbage family either, thank you Wikipedia.  This weeks meal prep found me making a Mediterranean broccoli salad.  I have been making a conscious effort to try and make one hot meal and one cold meal a week.  It’s a long walk from my desk at work to the nearest microwave, and there is usually a line at it.  Being able to do one cold, one hot a week is just a quality of life decision for meal prep every week for me.  This one came out delicious and as long as you can handle a broccoli salad, this one is dang good.

This salad is definitely hearty.  Its full of taste variety, salty olives, sweet tomatoes, and tangy lemon zest all on top of a broccoli vehicle.  I was skeptical about missing the mayo in this one but its absolutely not missed.  It may have even made this salad to rich.  I added some bacon for some extra protein but I think it could have even used some grilled chicken too.

The assembly of this recipe is pretty easy.  The biggest thing to watch for is making sure you have a big enough bowl to mix it in.  I almost misjudged the quantity and had to be very careful mixing the salad with the dressing.  The nice thing about a salad like this is that broccoli can hold up really well with a pre-dressing.  I think it actually does better with a little time; the florets take some time to soak up the dressing. 

The recipe said this makes a good side dish.  I think it works just fine as a light lunch as well.

The recipe I followed Is below

Click here for Recipe


This is a really good recipe.  I would recommend using a more primary protein if you like.  The bacon is good but its more of a flavor element than a main source of meat in the dish.  It has a ton of very strong flavor ingredients but they all play very well together.  This would be a good  pot luck salad I think too.