Lasagna – Low Carb

Lasagna – Low Carb
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We were hungry for Lasagna, but alas, its hard to do low carb with pasta. I have done some other impasta recipes so I did some research and this is one I found and gave it a whirl. We decided to try it as a meal prep. As usual this one did not disappoint. We hardly missed the pasta in the dish. Its an amazing meal prep choice and doesn’t leave you weighed down and ready for a nap after lunch.

It is a bit more time consuming but nothing to complicated. I guarantee rolling out homemade pasta is much more difficult than using a mandolin for a zucchini.

I chose not to do the side salad and just baked the entire dish in the meal prep containers. It worked out great and was plenty of food for the workday meal. I also chose not to use shredded motz. I like the real stuff. The last thing that I substituted was ground turkey for ground beef. Seemed like an easy way to cut some calories out of this one. We didn’t miss the beef at all.

Some key things to take note of as you try this recipe

  • Make sure you let your zucchini rest with the salt on it. It absolutely needs to have as much water forced out as possible. If not the lasagna will become very soupy and not hold together. Nobody wants lasagna soup.
  • Cook your tomatoes and meat sauce down until its almost pasty. Again, see note above, this is to remove as much excess moisture as possible.
  • Be careful on the mandolin, these things are sharp as all heck. I have bore witness to a few “Oh Crap” situations with these things.


I would definitely recommend this dish to anyone that wants to try a low carb alternative to pasta lasagna. I was literally amazed by how much I did not miss the pasta. It had some great authentic Italian flavors and absolutely crossed off my craving for some lasagna. Give it a try! I’ll provide some links below for the items I use in the prep. They are certainly not needed but will make life easier if trying to follow this recipe.

Here is the recipe that I followed

Click here for recipe