Bread-less Italian Sub “Sammich”

Bread-less Italian Sub “Sammich”
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Meal prep Sunday brought us 2 recipes to try out this week. I figured I would start with the “Sammich”. Opinions and the process to follow. Recipe link provided below.

Click Here for Recipe

Bread-less Italian Sub

This was a great easy option for lunch this week. It is a bit messy without the bread to protect your hands from the. . . (meat juice?) but its not anything a paper towel or a knife and fork can’t fix. We felt like 2 wraps was too much for lunch so I added some fresh veggies on the side to accompany the protein. In our efforts to stay as low carb as possible, we didn’t include any ranch to dip them in either, as its difficult to find off the shelf dressings that aren’t loaded with sugars. Just plain was fine with us.

You could certainly mix this one up as your taste demands. We chose the following as our layers for the roll up.

  • Black Forest Ham
  • Salami
  • Pepperoni
  • Salami
  • Provolone Cheese
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Roasted Red Peppers (some pictures below)
  • Italian dressing as suggested in the recipe above

Probably the most time consuming of this was the roasted red peppers. I would absolutely recommend spending the time on this if you have the ability to get this done. It really adds flavor to this meal. I’m sure I have seen them in my local grocery store too.

I started by roasting them over my gas range. I think I have done this in an oven too but we have gas now so its easier for me to do it this way now. I used a metal tongs to flip them as needed.

  • Roast the peppers until pretty charred on the flame
  • Place them in a bowl with plastic wrap over them (or use a zip lock bag) for a while so they sort of steam themselves and cool off for handling
  • Peel charred skin off
  • Slice for sandwich

Once I had all my items together, I simply layered them, rolled it up, and used a cocktail toothpick to keep it together.

For the side, instead of doing 2 wraps, I prepared a few veggies instead

  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers

I get a lot of questions about the meal prep containers we use. Here is the link on Amazon that we purchased


I don’t think there will be any huge surprises with this one when it comes to taste. Its not a complicated recipe and would consider this super easy to execute. Overall it was a perfect lunch and I, again, would encourage you to mix up the proteins as your taste feels appropriate. This is a nice easy recipe for a lunch prep. I would pair this with anything a bit more involved so that you’re not spending all day in the kitchen.